I've been in stores looking for great Christmas decorations, but, as usual, it takes a long time to sort through a lot of tacky stuff. This Christmas, I'm going to use a lot of natural elements rather than things I buy in a store. Consider doing the same in your home. Here are some tips:(BTW, I'm having trouble with the spacing on this blog. Sorry if it looks messy.)
Try decking your halls with poinsettias.
They're inexpensive, make a significant holiday statement and belong in every room of your house. Go to your local Home Depot and pick up a dozen or two in varying sizes.
Cover the floor around the staircase or tuck them in threes in a corner of
your family room or living room.
Keep a small one in the guest bathroom in a simple basket.
As cliche as it might be, strings of cranberries are festive, easy and inexpensive.
Consider starting a new tradition in your family by spending an hour with your kids making your own garlands.
Cranberries are better than popcorn, which will wilt in under a week. Popcorn looks great, but only if you string it a few days before the holiday.
This web site has tips on how to do make these garlands:
Another inexpensive idea is to take an autumn hike in a local park or around your neighborhood for sticks, pinecones and evergreen branches. Carry a basket or bag with you for your collection and when you get home, decorate your mantle or nestle your findings in baskets or around candles. Use your cranberry garlands to add color.
I'm not suggesting you make your own ornaments or even a wreath; very few people have the time and inclination for that. Rather, I'm suggesting bringing in some natural elements which will allow Christmas decorating to be both simple and elegant.
If you love the way a room in your home looks, send me a picture.
Maybe I'll post some of them! (peg@openingthegate.com)